The Emperor's Finest
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
Matthew Pate
71 / 100
February 6, 1999
65 / 100
73 / 100
75 / 100
First Impressions
This is another simple level, yet one that is quite fun, of a decent length, and a small download (despite having two unused duplicates of the level file in the .goo!). Although the architecture and texturing aren't great, you'll still have a fun romp capturing the traitorous Leia. For the Empire!
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
As I've mentioned, the architecture wasn't anything special, although a liberal use of 3dos helped this by adding some interest to some boring areas. Some hallways had slopes on the side, which was better than a long box, but there were some running long as well. The texturing was a little odd; different to what we've seen of Corvettes in ANH, but I suppose we only saw a little bit of the Tantive IV, and besides, some artistic license has to be used; afterall, we don't want the same 3 textures used over and over again! The selections that were used were appropriate, with the typical techy textures; no rock or grass textures (thankfully!). My one qualm would have to be with the layout; it doesn't really feel like a Corvette. Corvettes are only about 100 metres long and perhaps 30 wide, yet this feels more like an orbital base of some type because it's much larger and wider than that.
Dynamics / Interactivity
I loved the enemy and item placement. At the very start you're given a sniper scope, yet once you open that first door, the Rebels are pounding on you with their rifles, and it's a race to take them all out before you die. One of the screenshots shows me enjoying this very thing. There was a liberal placing of Rebel Troops; but that can be expected considering this ship was carrying the plans to the Death Star. There was a medium amount of powerups, meaning you were always on your toes, but there was also a 2-1B hanging around ready to heal you if things got too tough. As for enhancements, well, there weren't really too many there. Some cogs from MotS were there, but nothing new. A pity, because new things are one of the things I look for when playing a level.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The lighting would have to be the downpoint of the level; there really wasn't much variation at all; a bit in the cargo hold, but not much else. There were a few ambient sounds, but again, not as many as one could hope for. Where were the sounds of blaster fire echoing down the hall? The dying screams of Rebel soldiers giving their lives for their cause? None of this was present, and it seemed everyone just stood around waiting for player to waltz in guns-a-blazing Matrix style. Thankfully there weren't any detectable bugs or anything crippling; not even a HOM or stitching error as far as I can remember; it's great not to have to worry about these types of errors that are easy to avoid. Congratulations to the author for a bug free experience!
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
This isn't going to win any visual awards; but this level has it where it counts. If the author can have better architecture and lighting; as well as some enhancements, and possibly a greater emphasis on story, then next time the author will have a real winnerof a level on his hands. Still, this is a must download for some frantic firing fun.
65 / 100
73 / 100
75 / 100