Desalination Plant
Mission Type:
Post Date:
T Stallings
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
89 / 100
91 / 100
86 / 100
89 / 100
First Impressions
One thing I just want to point out is the misuse of the author's title. A desalinization plant supposed to take in salt water and purify it into fresh water. This level comes across as a water treatment facility or a sewage plant. This doesn't detract from the level, but I thought I should point it out anyway.
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Design / Visuals
Architecture had its ups and downs. The "downs" were during exterior portions of the level. The main building of the plant was nothing more then a giant rectangle with a balcony stretching across the entire upper floor, which, for the most part, doesn't serve much of a purpose. Also the barrack areas were equally cubic. Fortunately, the architecture livens up once you enter the main building, and later when you progress down into the lower areas of the base. Texturing was also well done. The author implemented a new ground texture for the outside areas, which really went well with feeling of lifelessness that the level gave off. Inside textures weren't as spectacular, but fit the level well. The control rooms were clean and sterile, contrasting to the outside look of the plant and the scummy sewage areas as well. Everything lined up correctly and none of it felt like it was slapped together. The author was also smart enough to mix up the textures in a realistic manner. Lighting was done well. Underground areas were dark and ominous along with the ventilation shafts, and even outside towards the end of the level. The control rooms however, were bright and alive with terminals and monitors. Another thing I just wanted to point out was the sunset effect that the author implemented. It's really slow, but it is noticeably darker outside once you reach the end. I thought it was pretty cool since it added to the sense of realism.
Dynamics / Interactivity
For such a run down facility, there sure were a lot of enemies. Even in the sub-levels, imperials of all kind shot at you from above and below. That in itself wasn't too hard, but there were also tons of dianogas in the sewers and other elements like the fan blades and the sewers themselves which ate away at my health. Furthermore, health packs and shields were really lacking, as was ammo. This is not a level where you can just walk in with guns shooting everything about 20 times over. Fortunately, there is enough to get by if you're careful. The author does warn you about this in the text file, which was nice thought. Item Placement, as I said, is scare, but there are little hidden alcoves that contain some ammunition if you take the time to hunt around. There really isn't anything new except for the ground texture (the hunter-killer probe droid has been used before), however the VUE of the Crow leaving was a nice touch.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
In some areas (like the sub-levels) there is a lot of detail. In other places (like the fan room) there doesn't seem to be enough of it. However, the detail that the author did use was pulled off to great effect. There are a lot of little things that you might miss your first time through the level. My favorite was in the room with all the conveyor belts. There's some water flowing behind glass in the center of the room, but at the same time the water is also moving up and down very slowly. It was a simple trick that was pulled off with style. Realism was another good characteristic of the level. The base is set up just like a base. The layout was done appropriately, and it never got to a point where rooms were put in for the sake of having them. One thing I never understood, however, was why the imperials would have the switch to an elevator in the middle of a lake. Mood was used extremely well throughout the level. The author used a lot of shadowing to enforce the tense atmosphere which grabs hold and doesn't let go until you complete the level. There were several problems with the level unfortunately. The author states that there is HOMing in the fan belt room, which I experienced. Also, if you walk onto the boat by the lake at a certain angle, there is a nasty HOM that came only be corrected by using the teleport cheat code. This only happened once on my computer, but the fact that it happened gives me enough reason to mention it. Although sounds were put to good use in the level, in certain areas they skipped. While swimming in the lake outside I was able to hear the water moving around me. However, sometimes I would turn and the water sound would disappear. It isn't a big problem, but it does throw you out of the realism and mood of the level. Also, in certain outside areas I experienced some lag problems. Since I have a fairly fast computer I can only assume that lower end machines will experience this ten-fold.
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Final Thoughts
The author states in his text file that this is his first level. All I can say is that I hope we'll be seeing more levels from the author. As it is, his first left a good impression on me. It may not be as glamorous as JK or MotS, but it's still fun and challenging. I recommend that you download this level.
91 / 100
86 / 100
89 / 100