Nar Toloom
Mission Type:
Post Date:
Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
34 / 100
January 1, 2003
30 / 100
38 / 100
32 / 100
First Impressions
Nar Toloom's documentation left me wary of playing the level. The story made little sense, and even worse, there was a separate text file entitled ‘Nar Toloom Objectives,' which listed each goal in the level; the user was invited to print this file, and then tick off each objective as it was completed.
Design / Visuals
First and foremost, Nar Toloom suffers from a uniform dullness in both its architecture and its texturing. Rooms are essentially rectangular, and although as the level progresses there are some variations on this theme, it never loses boxy feel. The worst offenders are the huge rooms which the author has simply crammed full of crate 3do's instead of creating any sort of detailed architectural work. In fact, the author's reliance on stock 3do's in place of proper architecture is so prevalent throughout the level that it renders the minimap useless. This would not be such a problem if Nar Toloom had some kind of theme or logical layout, but as it stands the level is lacking on both counts, and figuring out where to go is something of a trial, let alone putting a reason to the design. Texturing isn't much help either, with stitching errors and random transitions between textures hampering quality at every turn. Despite all this, the author seemed to have a feel for good layout at times, and in certain areas the simple texturing combined with simple architecture worked quite well, providing the occasional refreshing view to the user. In and of itself, it's not enough to save the level, but it shows that the author has promise. Also to the author's credit was the fact that he was able to keep to an industrial style theme with his texturing, enabling Nar Toloom to hang on to at least a modicum of quality
Dynamics / Interactivity
Nar Toloom is also quite weak in the level dynamics department. For starters, the author violates the cardinal ‘mixed enemies' rule, throwing alien bounty hunters in with Imperial Stormtroopers and Commandos. This problem is furthered by the poor enemy placement, with bad guys strewn all over the place – for the most part. There were a small amount of enemies manning control consoles and computer stations; again, it's not enough to save Nar Toloom, but the author does seem to have the right idea. This is a minor point in the map's favour, and the final blow to Nar Toloom's enemy placement comes by the sheer number of bad guys (in particular, thermal detonator wielding Grans) who accost the user at every turn. Nar Toloom's difficulty can be almost entirely attributed to large rooms full of enemies; this is a level without pacing. Items, on the other hand, are quite sparse: ammunition is mostly scavenged from dead bodies, and there are few health-related pickups, which makes completing the level without cheating a mind-boggling proposition. The author's use of cogs is somewhat confusing in that he took the time to include several moderately complex puzzles, but did not bother to create working objectives (as mentioned before, Nar Toloom's objectives are to be marked off on a piece of paper). All in all, the main detractor to Nar Toloom's dynamics is laziness; the author certainly appears to have the skills to receive a "pass" in this category.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
This is a mission that leaves the user without any sort of memorable experience. The architecture, the mixing of aliens with Imperials, the lack of objectives - it all boils down to a level that just doesn't feel like anything. The ‘Nar' prefix led me to believe that this would be a city-type map similar to Nar Shaddaa but it doesn't come off as a bustling spaceport. For that matter, it fails to come off as any type of location. An opening cutscene would have helped to set the stage for Kyle's latest adventure, but unfortunately the author has skimped in this area too. There are other, smaller concerns, such as Kyle having a lightsabre but no force powers, and the confusing plotline, but they would have been forgivable in the face of an otherwise good level. However, proving once again that he has an eye for the well designed level, the author has done some nice work with lighting, albeit in very few areas. While most rooms are blandly lit, the few that have had some work put into them lighting-wise turned out quite well, with deep shadows playing across their floors. The level would have been much more enjoyable if the entire map was done up like the few decently-lit rooms, but as it stands it's just another case of the finished product suffering from a lack of effort by the author.
Final Thoughts
With so many other great levels to choose from, there is really no reason to play this one, although the author is encouraged to develop his skills. Nar Toloom is a sub par map punctuated by brief flashes of what could conceivably turn out quite well, with a lot more effort from the author.
30 / 100
38 / 100
32 / 100