Imperial Pumping Station
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
85 / 100
April 19, 2001
85 / 100
85 / 100
85 / 100
First Impressions
Imperial Pumping Station was a solid level. It had nice architecture and texturing, a good plot, and it was just the right difficulty. In addition, the length was just right; not too long, not too short.

Design / Visuals
As I mentioned, the architecture of IPS was very nice. It was neither spectacular nor incredible, but it was certainly a solid base for the level. For example, there were plenty of details such as pillars, sloped walls, beams, pipes, crawlspaces, etc. that kept the level detailed and interesting. Furthermore, I was also impressed with the way the level was laid out; everything seemed to fit together perfectly and space was used very efficiently. It was a little boxy in one or two places, but it was hidden well by all the pillars and other details. However, the area outside the base was a tad boring because it only had a few stacks of crates to spice it up. Like the architecture, the texturing was also very well done. The selections just screamed “pumping station” to me, and there was a nice variety. I really felt like I was in a pumping station, just like I was supposed to be. The stitching was quite good; I noticed few mistakes. Overall, Imperial Pumping Station was very pleasing to the eye.
Dynamics / Interactivity
The enemy placement was downright admirable. There was just the right amount of enemies to fight, and they each gave you a little damage. The small fights would barely hurt you, and then you would run into a larger squad and get busted up. I found sufficient power ups to keep me alive, but there was certainly no excess. In addition, the enemies usually had a small advantage, whether it be elevation, surprise, or cover. All of these things conspired to make enemy/item placement just right; I had a nice challenge against the stormtroopers and commandos, but I got enough shields, health, and ammo to continue the fight without getting frustrated or annoyed. The enhancements were not spectacular, but they were fairly decent. There was a short cutscene at the beginning that showed you the exterior of the base and where you are dropped in. The rest of the enhancements were relatively simple ones like forcefields, button doors, generators, and elevators etc., and there were a couple places with thrust as well. The dynamics were quite good.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The atmosphere of IPS was very good. Like I said, I really felt as if I were in a pumping station. The lighting was decent, but not great. There was some shadowing and changes in intensity, but the level didn't seem to have as much of a focus on lighting. As a result, I noticed the design and dynamics a little more. The gameplay was superb; you find a way into the station, break into the control area and shut down a forcefield, then you set the explosive on the reactor. After that, you high-tail it outside and escape on a shuttle. It was straightforward, yet very enjoyable.

Final Thoughts
This is a great level, so I recommend immediate download. What are you waiting for, Go! Click! Now!
85 / 100
85 / 100
85 / 100