Planet Sith
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
Matthew Pate
17 / 100
May 18, 2000
15 / 100
13 / 100
25 / 100
First Impressions
This level is very odd. As you can see from the 'plot' above, about the only thing missing from the plot is something to the effect of 'capture the death star plans' and 'plant some sequencer charges' or even 'kill all the Dark Troopers'. It seems to be constantly making fun of all the poor JK levels out there; always starring Kyle, escaping in a ship different to the one you arrived in; and even having all seven Dark Jedi back as well as Darth Vader. From here on in, I thought I'd be playing a hilarious parody of all the poor JK level's I've had to review, but, well, to be entirely honest, I'm not sure whether this is a parody...
Design / Visuals
Planet Sith had extremely basic architecture with most of the detail being made up of 3dos, nary a ramp or staircase to be found. Even worse was the blatant copy of the Valley of the Jedi area (where you fight Jerec) at the end. The levels were also quite short (architecturally, but took a long time to actually play, more on this later) and many of the rooms looked identical to earlier ones, although I suppose it's hard to make one box look different from another. Another 'feature' that made this level take longer to complete was one enormously long hallway that took almost half a minute to run down using force speed. Texturally the level was way below par, as well. Although I suppose this could be attributed to the fact that some of the textures were hard to see because of the glaring CMP errors (see later). Some rooms even had the same texture slapped all over the floor, walls, and ceiling.
Dynamics / Interactivity
I believe the reason for the extremely short levels as well as the extremely long playing times were due entirely to this one area; enemies. Those who've played 'Dark Pyramid' will attest to it's extremely large number of enemies. Quite frankly, this makes Dark Pyramid look like System Shock 2 with it's placement of enemies. Looking at some of the screenshots you can see what I mean. Yup, enjoy facing over 50 stormtroopers in one go, also 20 or so AT-STs, and even all 7 dark Jedi again. But of course, you say, I get to at least have the concussion rifle to mow them all down with! Not so, all you start off with is a bryar and your saber and everything else takes a lot of work to get. Now I have my player set to 'hard' and I expect a reasonable challenge (I have, after all, been playing JK for nearly 2 years) but from about five seconds into the game I was already a 'jediwannabe'. You'd expect this level to have tons of shield and health packs, not to mention supershields, to help compensate for the sheer immensity of the battles you have to wage, but no such luck. After one particular gruesome battle, I was greeted by only 2 shield packs and 1 health pack. Of course, I was cheating at the time, but still... Enhancements... well... it ends. I suppose that's a plus. It has the customary (for bad levels, that is) incredibly huge and useless .wav that takes up over half the .zip's space. It has a dodgy new skin of pic that's supposed to look like Vader.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
There were a few ambient sounds, as well as a sound track, but behind all the 'zapping' and 'biting' the enemies provided you couldn't really hear anything. The layout was also pretty bad, with many areas just rooms filled with enemies leading onto more rooms filled with enemies. This was especially true of the last level, where you had to face and kill 8 dark Jedi one at a time before you could move on. As mentioned before, there were many CMP errors, with one such area formed almost completely from bad textures. Even Sariss looked like her arms were exuding some kind of yellow pus because of this. The level never crashed, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it). Another annoying thing I feel worth mentioning is that some of the doors took literally over 5 minutes to open enough for me to squeeze through, let alone open fully. I think waiting that long for a simple door to open up is a little pathetic, especially when it happens as many times as it does here. The most fun was to be had when I put on the 'slowmo' cheat and played like it was something from 'The Matrix' with me jumping around dodging a hail of bullets. Unfortunately this got old rather quickly though.
Final Thoughts
I just find it really hard to believe that this level was supposed to be serious. It's just really odd. It manages to do almost everything wrong, with all the typical plot elements and gameplay elements all the really poor things that come with levels like that. As a parody of bad JK levels this easily gets a '100%', but as an actual level in its own right? Well, see below.
15 / 100
13 / 100
25 / 100