Leeza's Destiny 2 (Version 2)
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
Evan Carson
83 / 100
March 15, 2000
84 / 100
80 / 100
80 / 100
First Impressions
I never played all of the first versions of Leeza so this was all new to me. SavageX's levels are usually pretty good so I was looking forward to playing. The zip also contained a flashy install program which also got my expectations up.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
There were two levels in this series and the design in both was consistently good. Architecture was slightly above average in the levels, however the first level could have used improvement. The design was far too repetitive, I thought it could have used some more originality. It was mainly based on the spaceport level from MotS, which is fine, however if you base your level on another it pays to add your own personal touches in it. The texturing was much the same in the first level. Good, solid texturing but not a lot of thought put in - basically just based on Katrassi level. The second level was a lot better because it was set on Endor and everything was new. It was a very well done swamp/forest level, even if it looked little like Endor. Texturing was good overall. Layout is where these levels really shine. The mod includes a grappling hook so this opens up the possibility of making the level 3D (meaning that the player can explore up and down as well as on a horizontal plane). I found myself needing to use the hook a lot during the course of the level, which is great, as it adds a whole new dimension to the game.
Dynamics / Interactivity
This level had enough enemies and they were all well placed. My health never stayed on 100% for too long and it was never dangerously low for too long either. The addition of a new type of stormtrooper with a new weapon was interesting and fun. New enemies are always nice, especially if they have new toys to kill you with. I did have a problem with the enemies though, often times when you completed a puzzle in the levels new enemies would be spawned in a room you had already cleared. This is okay if it's logical but in a lot of cases it wasn't, the enemies just seemed to come from nowhere.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
I liked the atmosphere that was created in the levels. Nice shadows and gloomy lighting (especially in level 2) created a nice effect. Ambient sounds in the levels helped to reinforce that. It's an eerie feeling to be walking in a dark tunnel and hear an animal call in the background. The enhancements in the mod were good. A couple new weapons (taken from Dark Forces, like the Plasma cannon) and the grappling hook which I've mentioned before. I only used one of the new weapons but it's good to know the others are there.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
I recommend you try these levels, they're above average and should be fun a couple times through.
84 / 100
80 / 100
80 / 100