The Boba Fett Missions
Mission Type:
Post Date:
Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
Matthew Pate
64 / 100
April 15, 2000
55 / 100
73 / 100
60 / 100
First Impressions
Although this mission is pretty basic, it still provides a bit of SP fun. The author alluded that this is the first part of a series of missions, so I hope the next set will improve upon this one. The first thing I noticed upon loading up this mission was the addition of new .bm files. Though there are only two of them, it was still great to see the author go to the trouble of adding in these little things.
Review Screenshot 1
Review Screenshot 2
Design / Visuals
The missions - this was a set of three 'mini-missions' - were architecturally and texturally (yeah, stretching the English language a bit there) simple, with many rooms not consisting of nothing more than a box with tons of 3dos shoved into it in an attempt to liven the rooms up. Texturing was as good as can be expected with cube sectors, but the textures were pretty much all aligned and the selections were appropriate for Tatooine. Small details such as pillars, grooves, pits and the like could have really made the level better, and reduced the need for 3dos, which is I think the reason the author had to split the levels up in the first place; he'd reached the limits.
Dynamics / Interactivity
The item and enemy placement was fairly good, although there were a few too many places where the player could simply sit back and pick off the baddies with his souped up pistol (more on that later). Placing the baddies around corners or in hard to snipe places would have increased the difficulty. Converse to this, the item placement was a little threadbare, evening out the ease in taking out the enemies; creating a fair change overall. There were plenty of enhancements, mostly 3do replacements, but also a new weapon, which I think is a little un-balanced because it fires bullets at the same speed and rate as a stormtrooper rifle, but with the accuracy and ammo consumption of a bryar pistol.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The atmosphere in the level wasn't terribly good; there was never a feeling of urgency, and the lighting reflected this, it was at pretty much standard level throughout. There were few ambient sounds, but the level didn't have any detectable bugs, besides the fact that Fett had somehow acquired a light saber in his travels.
Review Screenshot 3
Review Screenshot 4
Final Thoughts
Although this level is deficient in layout, architecture and size, this mission is good for 10 minutes of fun, although depending on your net connection it might take longer to download than to play. It's your call, depending on how badly you need a single player fix.
55 / 100
73 / 100
60 / 100