The New Empire Part 1
Mission Type:
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Level Review
Overall Score:
Date Reviewed:
Matthew Pate
74 / 100
March 21, 2000
70 / 100
83 / 100
65 / 100
First Impressions
Someone once said that a good way to judge a level is to look at the opening scene. For this, I'm going to go by the opening cutscene instead, mainly because it serves my purposes better to go by this, so you'll have to bear with me. Anyway, the opening cutscene was pretty interesting, with some nice effects, lots of sound, lots of action and it wasn't boring. Yet, the architecture wasn't anything special, the texturing was basic and repetitive. But it was fun. This is a good description of the level. A fun romp through a crime lord's base, with some interesting and fun puzzles and features, but with no special architecture. Read on, fair readers...
Design / Visuals
As I've stated, the architecture wasn't terribly exciting, with much of the opening scenes being boxes with little variation. A good example of this is the opening area (playable area, that is) which was basically three default boxes stuck in a corner formation, but to the author's credit he did cleave the top of the cliff walls to give a more natural look. Next time (the author mentioned this is the start of a series) I hope the author will take this to heart and create some truly brilliant architecture. Something I did notice was that nearer to the end there was a rapid improvement in architecture quality, which evened out the mark a lot more. Texturing was repetitive, with little variation and misaligned textures at the start, yet again the quality improved around the middle of the level, so next time the architecture and texturing should be first class.
Dynamics / Interactivity
Enemy and item placement were fairly good, although there was an element of predictability with enemies stationed in standard places like behind doors and around corners. But there were some snazzy situations like the player running along a walkway while being bombarded by concussion pellets and watching a fight between some Trandoshans and Imperials. This left the player the choice to either step in and take out the remaining survivors or to pick them off while they were engaged in their own battle. The enhancements for the level were above average, too. The level came with it's own easy install program for those people who always have trouble with that kind of thing, as well as new menu backgrounds and text, meaning I actually spent some time looking around the menus instead of getting straight into the action. The objectives worked for all the levels, which was a plus, and there was some cogging happening as well. The cutscenes were even a step above average, providing a nice break from the action. Good stuff.
Playing Experience / Atmosphere
The atmosphere in the level was also pretty good with abundant ambient sounds. The lighting was also pretty moody in some places like the caves, especially being attacked by Mailocs in the dark. However, a lot of the level also suffered from the one lighting level plague. Gameplay-wise there were a few problems, although none were critical. There were several misaligned textures, a few surfaces with textures that shouldn't have been there, and one HOM that I saw.
Final Thoughts
Although there isn't flashy architecture and texturing, this level will provide you with a nice jaunt through familiar territory with some new twists on old gameplay. I just hope that next time the architecture and texturing can be improved for some added visuals.
70 / 100
83 / 100
65 / 100