The Battle Over Stabulus III Special Edition
Post Date:
Michael Kyle
January 12, 2003
Recently the Rebel Alliance has completed the construction of a spaceport called Stabulus III. This spaceport so far has been very beneficial for the Alliance. They can easily get information from the people who pass through. The Imperials found out about this spaceport and have sent a few Star Destroyers out there way. The Rebels are going to have their hands full if they want to keep there spaceport.
Level Screenshot 1
Level Screenshot 2
  • New 3DOs
  • New player
  • Cutscenes
  • New Cogs
  • New BMs
This level was originally "The Battle Over Stabulus III" and was submitted at the Massassi Temple. I have decided to come out with a special edition. I plan to have 2 levels and so far I have finished the first level completely. I would say that the second level is about halfway done as far as level design goes. I still need to make the cutscenes. If you would like a demo of this level, email me at the address above.
Level Screenshot 3
Level Screenshot 4