Liberating Cloud City
Post Date:
It is seven years after the takeover of Cloud City by the Imperials. The New Republic recieves information that Governor Moff Treece, the Imperial leader of the city, is planning a mass extermination of some sort of the civilians. Desperate for fundings for the operation, Treece allows a large scale exportation of tibanna gas and NRI realizes the time to liberate the city has come. They send operative Commander Len Hakor to shut down the sensor array so the NR liberation force can land at the city unnoticed.
- New 3dos
- New cogs
- New mats
- New sounds
- Movie-like cutscenes with voices
- Incredibly detailed architecture
- Assassination Objective
- Cutscene sets such as the YT-1300 interior and Star Destroyer bridge
As the release date of April approaches, I plan to wrap up production of LCC. Architecture/texturing/lighting is completed (except for the minor touchups here and there) as well as enemy and power-up placement. Cutscenes are currently being worked on, as I am at the time waiting for all the voices to reach my e-mail. Objectives and puzzles are also being worked on. So basically, cogging is the only thing left to do. I expect the level to be completed soon and everyone should keep an eye out for it sometime around mid-April.